K series Frameless Moto

High Power Density

Very low slot torque

Internal rotor permanent magnet brushless motor

K series is our internal rotor for the pursuit of low slot torque and high power density Frameless version of magnetic brushless motor. We open the chain of production, design, deep Degree of thorough global optimization of the motor, so that the K series of frameless motor has a comprehensive Comprehensive performance.

Very low slot torque

Thanks to the deeply optimized electromagnetic design and machining process, the K-series motors have extremely low slot torque, which enables the K-Series to provide constant and accurate motion power at low speeds

A silky spin experience

Whether it is high speed or low speed, the K series has quiet and smooth operation characteristics under rated working conditions, making the K series can play an irreplaceable role in the field of high precision and high reliability

One piece magnetic steel

Thanks to the all-new integrated magnetic steel process, the K-series motors can operate smoothly at high speeds without the risk of magnetic steel falling off, maintaining a strong power output

High power density

The K series motor has a good torque density, combined with the ability to output high speed, to provide excellent and powerful power density

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